
Drop off & Pick Up Policy

Parents, If you have scholars in both the middle and elementary schools, you may choose to drop them off at either drop-off line before 8:00. We will make sure that they are escorted safely to their classes. If it is 8:00 or later, you will need to drop them off at their respective school as staff will no longer be on duty to escort them safely.

In order to best utilize instructional time, scholars will need to be picked up at the end of the day in the pick-up line of the school they attend.

If you have scholars who attend the high school as well as scholars who attend middle and/or elementary, you may drop them off in the mornings at the high school and staff members will escort the elementary and middle school scholars to their appropriate classes.

All scholars must be picked up at the school they attend.

Please bear with us the first three weeks as we work to make our drivelines as safe and efficient as possible. If you have any questions you may email Dr. Tina Hinson ( for elementary, Samantha Schuler ( for middle school, and Anthony Wright ( or Barb Weber ( for high school.

Thank you,
WPA Leadership Team

Elementary & Middle School Carline


High School Carline
