Goshens will be hosting $5.00 physicals on January 29th for scholars in 4th-7th grades. If your scholar is planning to play a sport this upcoming Winter, Spring or Fall this would be a great opportunity. You must have a yearly physical on file in order to participate in any sport. It will be held at our Middle School location from 1:30 PM – 4:00 PM. Physicals cost $25.00 and up, so please don’t miss this opportunity. We will have  physicals forms available at the front office.  Parents do not have to attend but must sign the bottom of the physical form. If your  scholar wears glasses or contacts please bring your eye wear to the physical.

Again, you can find the physical forms in the front office.  There will not be another opportunity for  $5 physicals until 2019. For questions, please contact Coach Wright at awright@wpanc.org.