Our ambassadors set the tone…

for an excellent Wacky Tacky Spirit Day.  A great way to end our Fall Spirit Week.  Chick-Fil-A Night and the Book Fair were also huge hits!  Enjoy the photos below.

Parents’s Save the Date

An Evening at
Wayne Prep. Academy

Wayne Preparatory Academy will be hosting An Evening At Wayne Prep. Academy in December.  We are inviting parents to come and experience their scholar’s daily schedule (abbreviated).  Spend time with your scholar’s Reading Teacher and learn more about the Reading Mastery Signatures Series.  Transition to Math and experience the intensity of our Connecting Math Concepts Program that prepares scholars for Algebra in Middle School.  Learn about Leadership during the final rotation and teachers will share information about our Leader in Me program.  Rotations will be every 30 minutes.
Tuesday Dec. 08:

  • 6:00p-8:00p Kindergarten & First Grade

Thursday Dec. 10:

  • 6:00p-8:00p 2nd Grade & 3rd Grade

Tuesday Dec. 15:

  • 6:00p-8:00p 4th & 5th Grade
  • View student work from technology, art, music, and PE
  • Visit our Christmas Tree and fulfill a teacher’s wish