We were so excited to get scholar achievement data to our parents…

…That we didn’t realize that we needed more time.  As we “rethought” our Report Cards and have changed the format to version 2.0 we failed to anticipate the amount of time our teachers would need to organize the data.

Report Cards will be sent home:
FRIDAY November 06, 2015. 

What does it mean?

Once you receive your scholar’s report card if you begin to feel like our friend to the right ~ contact your scholar’s teachers.  We are anticipating questions as result of the amount of information that we are trying to share with our parents.  Your questions and feedback will help us present information better as we continue to grow.

We want to hear from you!

Our Academic Committee will be meeting this month and we want to make sure your voice is heard.  Click on the link below and share your suggestions about how to improve the report card.