The governor has authorized schools with K-5 students to transition to Plan A effective October 5, 2020. To ensure the safety of everyone, Wayne Prep’s approach to this is to bring back one grade level at a time, beginning with kindergarten. Doing it this way ensures the safety of everyone as well as being efficient. Upticks with the corona virus is spreading rapidly in many states to include North Carolina and we want to be very prudent in our methodology. A survey will be sent out to the next grade level (grade 1) to ascertain who wants to attend face-to-face, or who wants to remain virtual. We will determine how things are going approximately a week and a half into the process with our kindergarteners. We will also look at siblings of the kindergarten class to possibly bring them back early as well. Our plan is to fully transition our K-5 classes prior to the Thanksgiving break. We will continue our four-day work week and do deep cleanings on Wednesdays and Sundays. Enrichment will continue in the ELC for those who want to maintain that service. Before and after care if required for new scholars will ramp up to meet everyone’s needs. Keep in mind that we must follow all requirements of the CDC and other guidance as it becomes available. As we look forward to grades 6-8 transitioning in after the initial nine weeks, another survey will be sent out to those grade levels to determine who wants to participate face-to-face. As soon as time allows, we will begin permitting scholars into the building as long as we meet the requirements of the CDC. Our Monday Enrichment Program will hopefully resume in January. The day of the week may perhaps change, but we will still offer programs that will enhance the quality of life that our scholars so richly deserve.